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Tips for Best Movement Guide in Apex Legends Mobile?

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With Apex Legends Mobile still fairly new - it is almost everyone's intention in dominating and getting good in the quickest possible amount of time that exists. Right?

The Benefits of getting good quickly can yield great results in the early stages,

That's why here i will be sharing the best pieces of Movement Tips that you can use Right now! to improve quickly in Apex Legends Mobile.

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19 year old - Competitive Apex Legends Mobile Scrim Player "Tundra" knows all too well, of what it takes to have the advantage over the opponents - as who best to get Pro level Knowledge like this.

That's why he has taken it upon himself to share what he knows so all of you can develop quickly into Pro's in no time.

We will approach these Tips and tricks you must know in the following steps, that you can skip ahead to at anytime:

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How to Tap Strafe in Apex Legends Mobile?

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First i'd assume you'd like to know What Tap/ Air strafing is?

This is considered an Advanced Movement Technique used in Apex Legends Mobile by Pro Players allowing them to quickly do 180-degree angle turns changing direction mid-air.

Now: how can you do the same?

I - While in a motion of Jump Sliding/ Slide Jumping,
II - Have your Character/ Legend Turn Mid Air by quick flicking your screen towards the New direction you want to face.

Now: What situations should you use this move?

I - Surprise Attacks on opponents
II - Corner Peaking
III - Escape tough situations

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How to Bunny Hop (B-Hop) in Apex Legends Mobile?

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Next importantly - What Bunny Hopping (B-Hop) is?

This movement allows players to move in an unpredictable way while covering longer distances in a hopping motion.

Now: how can you do the same?

I - Slide and Jump simultaneously in quick succession,
II - Just as you are landing repeat step one (I).

Now: What situations should you use this move?

I - Cover longer distances quickly
II - Coupled with left and right movements, take less damage/ harder to hit by opponents
III - Move Faster when in healing state
III - Escape tough situations

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How to Zipline Bounce in Apex Legends Mobile?

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This move strategy on the list you should know - What Zipline Bouncing is?

Another Advanced Movement that is tricky to master as you can fail easier than you can succeed, as this move is heavily entailed with grabbing and releasing the zipline in quick succession while making you a harder target to hit.

Now: how can you do the same?

I - While on a Zipline hit jump button
II - Next quickly rotate camera view to a 180-degree turn
III - Click to grab unto Zipline again before falling
IV - Repeat Steps until reaching the end of the Zipline

Now: What situations should you use this move?

I - Confuse opponents tracking your Zipline movement
II - Make yourself harder to hit while on Zipline

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How to Super Glide in Apex Legends Mobile?

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Another Movement Tip to add to your collection - What Super Gliding is?

Used a lot in the Pro Scene, this gives players a boosted ability to cover further distance in basically one motion.

Now: how can you do the same?

I - Enter a ledge into climbing phase,
II - Once on top - Slide out in the direction you wish to proceed Rapidly.

Now: What situations should you use this move?

I - Used for in Air attacks
II - Cover longer distances from a sliding phase

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How to Wall Bounce/ Wall Jump in Apex Legends Mobile?

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A great move to know right now! - What Wall Bounce/ Wall Jumping is?

You will tend to see this move a lot if you come across really good players as it allows them to use surfaces as a projectile force, this can be learned easily that was covered completely in another article find link below.

Follow link below!
How to Wall Bounce/ Wall Jump complete advanced guide - Click here!

Click Thumbnail above to get more details or check our Soft Launch Notes ! for more updates.

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