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Apex Legends Mobile Guide For - Best FOV Settings

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Community Post

Understanding FOV Settings in Apex Legends Mobile is another task that shouldn't be as painful as it is.

It is already stressful enough to understand the "Settings" that works best for you, then to throw FOV adjustments into the mix.

This is why "DusteeYT" is coming through with some advice to help you make better decisions when it comes to your FOV Settings, that isn't shared anywhere else.

Lets find out what it is.

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1. "Lower FOV" - Adjusting to a new game can be hard and getting accustomed to the things that appear on the screen, shouldn't leave you feeling confused.

The best way to start off in finding the right FOV Settings starts by dragging your scroller all the way to it's lowest then make adjustments upwards from there until you hit that perfect spot.

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With this approach you are bound to find the right FOV settings in no time, but not only that Lowering your FOV also enhances objects, making them bigger and closer in perspective.
All in all; the ball is in your court - Use this tip to adjust to the right FOV Setting that suits you.

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2. "Higher FOV" - Now this can be a real nuisance - but in a good way, as the Field of View perspective you get from this is like having super peripheral vision.

You are able to see further and wider, almost spotting every single opponent coming your way without even side swiping your screen, your surroundings become broader but there's a downside to this.

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Having a Wider Field of View doesn't necessarily means you can see everything, as this makes opponents look further than they actually are and can be even harder to spot if you are on smaller mobile devices.

The suggestion is to be careful with this as it can go against you as much as it can go for you.

All that is said; still falls into preference said "DusteeYT" as you can still destroy lobbies whether wide or narrow FOV - to get more info of this topic; click the thumbnail above to view more...

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